Northstar's Women's Ministry exists to connect the women of our community in the journey of a wholehearted pursuit of following where God leads and seeking His presence. We are women connecting hearts throughout every stage of life, who meet together to study the Bible, worship, pray, and build into each other’s lives. Our yearly rhythm includes a spring women's retreat, Watermark (registration is needed for this), monthly NS Women's connections, a summer social, and a winter night of worship. Find more information on those opportunities below.  


We want the ‘more’ that God has for you, and we know that you will go deeper (emotionally, spiritually, relationally) with fewer. These Pathway groups are our vehicle for our people to Read, Practice & Pray. Read the Word and Practice the way of Jesus in the weeks in between meeting, learn about and practice different areas of the Christian journey.

WATERMARK - Starts February 6th!

Watermark is our mid-sized gathering for all generations of women to come together, share a meal, engage in honest conversation, hear live teachings and pray in small groups. We are creating space to deepen our relationship with God as well as with the women around us. Childcare is provided at both morning and evening gatherings. We gather 6 times in the fall as well as 6 times in the spring, meeting every other Thursday morning/evening.


The women's retreat is planned annually, and has historically been at Hueston Woods Lodge. The retreat each year is designed to create space to pull away from our regular routines and duties to encounter God. There is a combination of worship, light teaching, discussion/reflection, and prayer. We just want to create space to encounter God. This retreat typically takes place in March & we will update here when new dates have been chosen.

April 4th & 5th, 2025


The Sisters of Iron retreat offers women a sanctuary to step away from the demands of daily life and embrace a transformative journey of self discovery and spiritual renewal. Designed to foster a safe and supportive environment, this weekend invites participants to connect authentically with other women while experiencing a profound personal encounter with God. Through moments of deep introspection and meaningful connection, women are empowered to engage in inner work that strengthens both their faith and sense of self. Happening April 11-13. Limited number of spaces available.

Learn more and register at