You were made for more.

Even though we are all in different places in our journey with God, He has made each of us for more…more of His love, power, grace, and peace. We believe the best way to experience the ‘more’ God that has for us is in an environment of freedom, acceptance and unconditional love.

Because we believe this…

  • We will challenge you to live generously, but we don’t care where you give your money.

  • We will faithfully teach the Scriptures, but we will make room for doubt, disagreement, and discussion.

  • We will encourage you to live an ethic defined by loving God and others more deeply and more fully, but we will be respectful and patient with one another as we seek to grow more like Christ.


If you are ready to learn more or even join us as we ‘go to the missing, love the marginalized, and live as God’s kids,’ here are some great first steps to join us in-person or online.