about watermark

Watermark Spring Semester registration is now open!

Dates: January 27th, February 24th, March 24th, April 21st

Mission:  A multi-generational community of women who gather monthly for honest conversation, deeper relationships, and engaging topics that will help us understand and experience God in a powerful way and orient our lives around Him.

Vision: To help women step into deeper community, invest in relationships and live transformed lives alongside others who are on the same path towards becoming more like Jesus.  Watermark is ideally a stepping stone between Sunday morning celebrations and deeper community & discipleship.

Values: We desire for Watermark to be a place of belonging, restoration, authenticity and of lasting influence.  

Belonging:  A watermark is a faint design that is visible when held against the light and typically identifies the maker.  We want our lives to reflect our maker who loves us and has redeemed us.  Our identity rests on belonging to God and being a part of His kingdom & family.

“But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”  (Isaiah 43:1)

Restoration:  In the same way that water replenishes and is necessary for life, we hope to provide a space where nourishment, restoration and rest are offered to the women of Northstar.      

“He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:3)

Authenticity:  Higher denominations of currency are watermarked to prove they are genuine. In the same way, we want to be people whose lives and relationships are marked by authenticity, integrity, and truth.

"The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." (1 Timothy 1:5)

Lasting Influence:  The continual presence of water at a certain level leaves a mark long after it is gone.  It is our hope that the relationships we form and invest in are ones that leave a lasting impression on each other in years, and even generations, to come.   

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17) 

Working copy of initial announcement/website info etc.

As women, so many of our relationships have a transient quality to them.  We see someone at the grocery store or in the church lobby and have a quick conversation as we are both about to walk in opposite directions.   We are only partially invested, partially available and partially present.  What would it look like if, on a regular basis, we chose to intentionally stop, sit down and settle into a time of community with others?  To move from the proverbial lobby (a welcoming place, but also one fleeting connection) to a place where we can pause for a meal, sit shoulder to shoulder, lean in, listen well to each other’s stories and share what the Lord is doing in our lives and what He’s teaching us? 

This is what we want to invite you into at Watermark. A multi-generational community of women who gather monthly for honest conversation, deeper relationships, and engaging topics that will help us understand and experience God in a powerful way and live lives oriented towards Him.  Whether you are wanting to go deeper with relationships that are already established (your Discipleship Pathway group, a group of friends who are already “doing life” together, women from a former group or Bible study) or you are wanting to meet new people and get more connected, our hope is that Watermark will be a place of belonging, restoration, authenticity and influence.

meeting location

Northstar Community Church
11020 S Lebanon Rd
Loveland, Ohio 45140



Fall semester (August-November) registration closes August 1st.

Spring semester (January-April) registration is NOW OPEN!

You can also register for the entire year now!

$30 per semester or $50 for the year.  Scholarships are available.

Morning Group:  9:30-11:30 am (breakfast provided)

Evening Group: 6:30-8:30 pm (dinner provided)

Childcare provided at both gatherings.

Connections:  smaller groups that meet on an alternate Thursday morning for women to meet up for prayer, worship, multi-generational conversations, preschool playdates etc. 

Registration for the fall semester of Watermark (late August - November) is open until August 1st and registration for the spring semester (January - April) registration will open in December.  You can also opt to register for both fall & spring semesters at once ($30 per semester or $50 for the year, scholarships are available and childcare will be provided at both gatherings).   The morning group meets one Thursday per month from 9:30-11:30am (breakfast included) and the evening group meets that night from 6:30-8:30pm (dinner included).   We will also have smaller group “connections” on an alternate Thursday morning for women to meet up for prayer, worship, multi-generational conversations, preschool playdates etc.

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